Monday, November 3, 2008

Adios, amigos!

Well folks, I'm a year old now, and as you can see I am swamped with things to do - number one on the list is to figure out the whole 'walking' thing. As much fun as I've had with my blog, its time for me to move on. I know, I know. You're going to miss me. Well, don't feel too terribly bad. Look at this as an opportunity to regain a small portion of your life back! Alternatively you can keep an eye out for me at the Chard Yard.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm ONE YEAR old!

That's 12 months for those of you keeping track of it that way. Today was a happy and eventful day, complete with singing, presents, visitors, my very own homemade cake, and my first taste if ice cream. It took me awhile to come down off all that sugar but I'm finally asleep and dreaming of all the fun new toys I get to play with tomorrow. Thank you to my family and friends for all you did to make my birthday so special!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


For Halloween I dressed up as a lion. I was hoping to look scary, but how can I with cheeks like this?