Sunday, June 29, 2008

More fun: a visit from the Ashworths

My Aunt Brooke and Uncle Kenny and cousins McKenzy and Max came for a visit on Saturday. We spent some time playing in the water at Hyrum State Park and then came home and had a BBQ and a bath. Kenzy and Max are so sweet to me. I hope I get to see them again soon. They all went home after breakfast on Sunday but the fun didn't stop there - we had some more visitors! It was great to see Tom and Paula again. They had a happy (Tom's birthday) weekend of camping and playing at Bear Lake and they stopped by on their way back home to SLC.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Canoeing Fun

Yesterday Daddy took us canoeing at Porcupine Reservoir. I was in a great mood and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Daddy paddled us around and did a little fishing. Joie swam and swam and swam and swam. Brody swam a little, ran around the shore a little, and cowered in the canoe a little. Some boys were jumping off the cliffs on the other side of the lake and their loud splashes made her very nervous. I did my best to comfort her with petting and snuggling. I ended up with fur between my fingers and all over my face but that's ok as long as I made her feel better. I love my doggies - and I love canoeing! After we got out of the canoe I got to float in the water for a few minutes. The water was really cold (too cold for wimpy Mommy) but I didn't even notice. Daddy jumped in all at once to cool off and when he came up from under the water you should have heard the crazy noises he made! He makes me giggle. To see more pictures, click here.

Friday, June 27, 2008




Well, the folks finally got me out camping. Too bad it was right in the middle of when I was sick with a virus, and ear infection and I'm teething like crazy. Needless to say, I wasn't too impressed the first time around and my mommy had to take me home. I'm not worried though, I know the next time will be WAY better!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

A visit with the Stull Family

On Saturday we drove all the way up to Smithfield to visit our friends, the Stulls. Brad cooked some burgers and Raecale made a delicious salad from their garden fresh greens. Hope and Maizy pretended to clean their rooms, but also entertained us by making funny faces at me and my buddy (their brother) Laik. Raecale was kind enough to take some photos while we were there. Thanks for your hospitality, Stulls!

Tub time is fun time (redeux)

I love my tub and all my fun bath toys! Now if they would just quit swimming away...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sometimes I don't feel so good...

Last week I had a flu-type virus that gave me diarrhea for several days. Mommy and Daddy took me to the doctor and found out that I also had an ear infection. No wonder I feel so yucky! Even though I'm sick I impress everyone with how happy I am.... most of the time. Here's what I look like when I let being sick get the best of me:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Daddy, My Hero

Happy Father's Day to my Daddy and all the great dads of the world! We had an exciting Father's Day weekend. It started on Saturday morning when Daddy participated in the Cache Valley Biathlon. He ran 5 miles and then right after that he biked 16.5 miles. He is amazing! Mommy and I cheered him on as he ran through the pretty little town of Wellsville, and we greeted him at the finish line when he came speeding through on his bike. Later in the day we hung out by the river and played with the doggies for awhile.

Today is Father's Day so we made a big breakfast of waffles and eggs and bacon for Daddy and I gave him the present that Mommy and I made for him: a stepping stone with my hand-print in it. It was a beautiful day and it got even better when
Grandpa came over for a visit along with Aunt Brooke's family and Aunt Jody's family.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

#1 Fan

Dear Papa, As you leave on your "Geezer's Baseball Road Trip" I thought I would give you a few pointers: 1) Make sure to get a window seat in the car. Old guys are smelly. 2) Stay away from truck stop diners. Any one of your traveling companions could be one "triple bypass special" away from a premature return trip home. 3) Don't forget to cheer for the home team wherever you go, and don't be shy about summoning the Beer Man when you feel a mighty thirst coming on. Here's one way to get his attention:

Have a great trip, a fun birthday, and a wonderful Father's Day.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


I am SO SICK of having my picture taken! I know I'm cute and all, but give a kid a break!

Monday, June 2, 2008

The Wonderful World of Wayne County

Over the weekend we visited my new friends Pat and Michelle Brown in Loa. What a fun place! The Hunter family dropped in from SLC for a visit while we were there and I even got to see my old friend Pete. I had my first bath in a kitchen sink and my first swim in an irrigation ditch (with my new pal Brecken Hunter). To see more pictures, click here.

I'm 7 months old!

As you can see, I've made some great strides this past month. I can sit up all by myself (for a few seconds, anyway) and I'm really good at grabbing and manipulating toys. I'm curious about everything around me, so it's really hard for me to sit still and smile while Mommy takes my picture! I've been adding new and exciting things to my diet. I love fruits and vegetables and I can't wait to get started on some finger foods. I don't have any teeth yet, but the buckets of drool that pour out of my mouth are a pretty good indication that I've got one on the way.