Monday, February 25, 2008

On the verge

I am SO ready to take on the world from a different vantage point. Flat on my back worked for me for awhile, but a guy's got to progress in life. So I've started sitting (with help) and I've even rolled over a couple of times (ok, so I had a little help with that too). Stay tuned...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Another big week

Before I tell you about this week's adventures I need to tell you some more about last week. I totally forgot to mention that we stopped and visited with Melanie and Ethan on Tuesday on our way home from Mommy's work. You can see pictures of me with Ethan (and lots of great pictures of Ethan doing marvelous things) on their blog site. Yesterday was a big day because Mommy had an important meeting at work and left me with a babysitter for the first time (I've gotten babysat before but always at my house). Thanks, Catherine, for taking such good care of me and for playing your harp for me! Mommy forgot that cream cheese has dairy in it (what a dope!) so the bagel she ate at her meeting made me very uncomfortable all night last night. I was feeling a bit better by late this morning, so we went to Margee's to learn more baby massage from Vonda. Then later this afternoon we joined Tamera and her doggy Max for some snowshoeing in Blacksmith's Fork Canyon. Joie and Brody were ecstatic to be able to run around in the snow and fresh air. Mommy was pretty happy about it too.

I miss my daddy

Daddy went out of town yesterday for work. He's going to be in Las Vegas until Thursday night. Last night was the first time he's been away from us for a whole night. It was rough! I don't think anyone could miss him more than I do, but Mommy says she does.

Monday, February 18, 2008

WHEW, what a week!

I just had the busiest week of my life. Mom took me to work with her on Tuesday and Thursday. We were only there for a few hours each time but it seemed like longer. I don't mind it so much, which is good since I hear we're going to be doing it more in the coming weeks. On Wednesday we met up with a few other mommies and their babies to learn about infant massage techniques from Vonda. I liked getting my legs massaged, but once Mommy started on my stomach I decided I'd had enough. After massage we went to Lisa and Jasper's house for a visit. By the time we left there to come home it was a blizzard outside. On Friday Grandma Debby came up to babysit me while Mommy & Daddy went on a date. Then on Saturday Tom and Paula and Emily came up from Salt Lake for the weekend. We ended up with lots of people here on Saturday evening for pot luck and poker. On Sunday we went for a hike in the snow with Paula and Emily. By Sunday night we were all really pooped. Hopefully this next week will be a little more mellow.... (fat chance).

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

A trip to the Ogden Nature Center

On Saturday we met Grandma Debby and my Aunt Brooke and cousin McKenzy at the Ogden Nature Center. We participated in a Valentine-making workshop and had lots of fun together. There's a path through the trees between the parking lot and the building that's lined with lots of clever birdhouses. When we got to the building there were three wild turkeys walking around outside! I'm looking forward to going back there this spring & summer when we can see more of the outdoor stuff.

I'm getting a new cousin!

Congratulations to Uncle Dave and Aunt Melissa on the exciting news that Aunt Melissa is pregnant. I cant wait to meet my new cousin! Daddy and I are practicing our smiles in anticipation.

Monday, February 4, 2008

3-Month Photo Shoot

Me & Grandma Debby

Over the weekend I was treated to some more quality time with Grandma. Mommy and Daddy went up to Beaver Mountain on Sunday to take advantage of all the new snow (and boy, is there a LOT of new snow!). Grandma and I talked and played and I was so comfy-cozy in her arms that I even napped a little. Thanks, Grandma! I miss you already.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

I'm 3 Months Old!

I am SO big. Mommy got on the scale with me a couple of days ago and I now weigh ~14.5 pounds. That's almost 2.5 times what I weighed when I was born, AND I'm right now in the middle of another growth spurt. That means I'm an even bigger fan of eating than usual which means I want to eat every 2 or 3 hours around the clock. So much for that sleeping through the night plan...

One more thing: Happy Groundhog Day!