Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A cookie is WHAT!?!?

Even though Mommy's beloved Cookie Monster has turned health-conscious, I still think he's pretty cool. Just look at that crazed expression on his face! Decades of heavy duty sugar intake have really taken their toll on this scruffy blue guy. So listen to him when he tells you that "a cookie is a sometimes food" but don't let it stop you from gobbling the occasional plate of low-fat whole-grain confections like a wacked-out muppet. You only live once!

Monday, January 28, 2008

More New Friends!

Yesterday I got to meet Jason and Nicki Alexander, who were visiting from Nebraska. Mommy and Daddy were so excited to see them. I didn't see what the big deal was until I got to know them a little better myself. They're super! I'm sad that they don't live here anymore but I know they'll be back for more visits with me.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lev & Me

This is my new pal Lev. He's going to teach me how to jump off of [insert just about anything here - cliffs, logs, shrubbery, small buildings, etc.] on my snowboard. I can't wait! Lev and Shanna came over for dinner last night and we all had a most enjoyable time.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Holding my head up high! or The happiest baby in the world!

Today is a good day. Daddy got to work from home so he played with with me lots this morning and my belly is feeling much better. Plus, I learned how to hold my head up. I've been working on it for a while, but I really think I got it now!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Gavin starts with 'G'!

Mommy and Daddy want to make sure that I'll know how to spell my name, so they asked Papa to cut the letters out of wood. Papa did a great job and even put little animal shapes in them. They look pretty good, don't you think? Thanks Papa!

It's been really really cold outside this week so Mommy and I have been hanging around the house. I thought we were having a party so I didn't sleep for almost 2 days straight! But then last night I slept for 6 hours in a row. My folks keep reading books about how to get babies to follow schedules. I think that's hilarious.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Visit from the Stulls... (warning: blatant plagiarism)

What a treat to be visited by Brad, Raecale, Maizy, Hope and Laik Stull yesterday! Thanks to Raecale for taking pictures and for making it possible for me to ever-so-sneakily steal her Photobucket slideshow (gotta love this high-tech modern web stuff!)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

New and exciting developments in Gavinland

It's so fun to watch the development of your child. Here we have our star Gavin Chard stimulating himself with his Lamaze toys and starting to develop the hand-eye-kick it's butt coordination...Stay tuned for the next installment.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My new pal Braden

We went out for sushi on Friday night with my friend Braden and his parents, Joel and Kathy Green. Braden is lots of fun! He brought me some of his old books (in fact, my carseat and stroller used to belong to him too) and after he was done eating he played with me until I fell asleep. We're going to be great pals.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Let's RIDE!

I went snowboarding! Mommy and daddy took me on a little splitboarding tour in Old Sardine Canyon on Saturday. I was awake and alert the whole time and I didn't fuss - just soaked up the fresh air and sunshine. Unfortunately the camera battery died at the top. Next time we'll bring a spare so you can watch a video of me and daddy riding down. We didn't crash or fall over or anything!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I heart my Chariot

On Friday Mommy and Daddy and Joie and Brody and I went on a tour of downtown Hyrum. We stopped at the post office, the library, the City offices, and the bakery. What a fun town!


I'm starting to smile more. Maybe it's because my tummy doesn't hurt so much anymore (thanks for quitting dairy, Mommy - I know how much you miss eating cheese) or maybe its just because I'm starting to recognize the things that make me happy (like hanging out on the changing table with my diaper off). I'm also starting to "find" my hands (usually with my mouth) and to "talk" when the mood strikes. I tell the most riveting stories! Have you heard the one about the time I went splitboarding?

Thursday, January 10, 2008


It's been snowing a lot in Hyrum lately. Daddy's been shoveling constantly. I wanted to help him but he said he had it under control. He did let me help him fill up the birdfeeders, though!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Look how big I am!

I had my 2-month checkup with the pediatrician last week. I've grown in from being in the 4th percentile to the 51st percentile! In the words of Dr. Firth, "breast milk is a wonderful thing". I wholeheartedly agree.

Tub time is fun time

I like baths! It takes kind of a while to wash between all my glorious fat rolls, but I come out smelling fresh and clean instead of like sour milk (not that there's anything wrong with smelling like sour milk).

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I'm 2 Months Old!

Mom made me pose for pictures last night for my 2-month birthday. It was exhausting!

I went up to Beaver Mountain on New Years Day, but they wouldn't let me on the chairlift so I stayed in the parking lot with either Mommy or Daddy. We played with the dogs, had snacks and even napped a little.

Last night was especially nice - I slept for 5 1/2 hours in a row! I think it helped that I ate about a gallon of milk before I finally fell asleep. Mommy seemed pleased that I slept so long, but boy was I hungry when I woke up!