Saturday, February 2, 2008

I'm 3 Months Old!

I am SO big. Mommy got on the scale with me a couple of days ago and I now weigh ~14.5 pounds. That's almost 2.5 times what I weighed when I was born, AND I'm right now in the middle of another growth spurt. That means I'm an even bigger fan of eating than usual which means I want to eat every 2 or 3 hours around the clock. So much for that sleeping through the night plan...

One more thing: Happy Groundhog Day!


Peggy Wood said...

Wow! I can't believe you've grown into your Carhart overalls! Did you notice that they match your hair? You're a good lookin' little Gavin. Have you considered eating only when it's daylight? You might enjoy staying asleep whenever it's dark out. Why not give it a try?

rakal said...

3 months old! What a big boy you are!

Melanie.Justin.Ethan.Leif said...

So Handsome. Love the carharts.

langenheim said...

ahhhh juniper wants those overalls!