Tuesday, June 10, 2008

#1 Fan

Dear Papa, As you leave on your "Geezer's Baseball Road Trip" I thought I would give you a few pointers: 1) Make sure to get a window seat in the car. Old guys are smelly. 2) Stay away from truck stop diners. Any one of your traveling companions could be one "triple bypass special" away from a premature return trip home. 3) Don't forget to cheer for the home team wherever you go, and don't be shy about summoning the Beer Man when you feel a mighty thirst coming on. Here's one way to get his attention:

Have a great trip, a fun birthday, and a wonderful Father's Day.


Karen Lynn said...

oh my god that is the funniest thing i've seen all morning!!! i love it!

Leanna said...

So good!

Buffy said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! what a set of lungs!