Saturday, August 2, 2008

Quick Trip to Bear Lake and then... dunt dunt dunnnn

On Friday we loaded up the truck and headed over to Bear Lake. We got kind of a late start and then got held up in Logan Canyon by construction, but when we finally got there, WHEEEE! What a wonderful place to play! The water near the shore is shallow and is just the right temperature for cooling off. Brody likes to run through the water and roll in the sand. Joie likes to go out a little further and swim in circles. After we had our fill of playing in the water we drove back into the canyon to find a camp spot. Mommy and Daddy's favorite spot along the Beaver Creek road was taken (DARNIT!) and it took us awhile to find another good one. We eventually found one in Franklin Basin and boy, was it pretty! Lots of flowers were blooming and we had great views of the rocky slopes in the distance. I thoroughly enjoyed myself.... ...until it was time for me to go to sleep. Suffice it to say that no amount of cuddling, nursing, 'crying it out', or even driving around in the truck could settle me down for the night. At midnight the folks finally got my message and packed everything up and took me home to my crib where I promptly fell asleep.


Leanna said...

Bummer! What a long night though. Gosh, I could really take a swim in Bear Lake right now, I'm over heating in here....

rakal said...

We havent attempted the camping thing yet... maybe next year? I know Brad's itchin' to get out there... but he'd be the one sleeping through everything.
Maybe we'll try it soon???

Julie said...

If we didn't have a 2-night river trip planned for September we wouldn't be trying so hard to succeed at camping! We've got the tent set up in the yard now and have been spending some good quality play time in it. We've also been having Gavin sleep in the pack 'n' play to get him used to that aspect of it. We should have taken a more gradual approach to begin with. What's that they say about hindsight?

ginadog said...

Oh man that is a wired little boy! I'm glad everything previous was fun. You guys are the coolest parents.