Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Mother's Day Mommy!

For Mother's Day I helped Daddy make mommy a nice breakfast. We wanted to serve it to her in bed, but she was already up and at 'em so we all ate together in the sun room. I also got my mommy a gift card so she can buy new clothes from the mall and I had daddy take mommy's ring to the jewelers to have my initials and birth date engraved (wouldn't want anybody to forget my birthday!).

I got to meet new relatives on Saturday and I got a surprise for being such a good boy: a new swing (along with a new bath tub, new toy for my high chair, and holder for my bath toys)! I hung out in the yard with my mommy while she "putzed" around. Daddy was sick all weekend because of a bug I brought home from daycare, so we didn't get to do anything real fun. They both promise that next weekend will be much funner! I can't wait!


Melanie.Justin.Ethan.Leif said...

What a good idea to have your b-day engraved in mommy's ring. Very thoughtful.

Peggy Wood said...

Who's the baby in the swing? I didn't recognize you, Gavin! You've been gone too long, and we miss you!