Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I get around

Let me first apologize to the Beach Boys for using one of their song titles in my subject line, and to the rest of you for injecting said Beach Boys song into your subconscious. I hope you can fall asleep tonight without visions of Annette Funicello and surfboards dancing around in your head... ANYWAY, check me out! I'm finally putting my roundness to work for me - I can roll and roll and roll and you get the idea. Crawling is next on the agenda. Anybody got any kneepads I can borrow?


Leanna said...

LOVE the mohawk!
Delightful video, you must have tons of fun in your house.

Peggy Wood said...


Susan Frantz said...

That was TOTALLY a crawl there at the end!!! Yippee!!!!!!

langenheim said...

yeahhhhhh gavin!