Monday, April 14, 2008

Bring on summer

Mommy and daddy bought me a new tent for camping this summer. They set it up in the yard this past weekend to make sure we all could fit inside it. There is plenty of room for me, them, the dogs, and probably half my toys! They keep telling me about camping in the desert and the mountains and going to Bear Lake...If any of those places are near as fun as they make them sound, then I can't wait to check those awesome places out!


rakal said...

A family tent! Expanding! Here comes all the extra "Stuff!"
Hee hee hee! See, the Stull's and the Perry's arent so crazy lugging all that "Stuff" wherever they go!

Julie said...

No doubt! I can already see the merit of Brad's "camping trailer" idea. So much for those cozy little spots by the creek. We're going to need a campsite the size of a small parking lot!

Melanie.Justin.Ethan.Leif said...

Beaver Boulders this summer baby! You'll have fun with Juniper and Ethan playing in the dirt....oh, and Mae's having a boy! You'll have another little buddy.

langenheim said...

shit yeah! i second beaver boulders. if it's good, i think that's where we'll have Juni's 1st bday bash.