Thursday, April 24, 2008

Chicago - Day 6: Botanic Garden

On Wednesday we continued to take advantage of the gorgeous weather and met up with Aunt Michele, Chris and Sami at the Chicago Botanic Garden. What a glorious selection of plants! My favorite part was the tropical greenhouse. I liked it so much I forgot to take pictures of it. There were orchids, a cacao tree, and banana trees with real bananas on them. Sami thoroughly enjoyed all the water features throughout the Garden and Chris stayed close by the stroller and reassured me that he would protect me from vampires and any other bad guys. It was already beautiful this early in the season - lots of daffodils and hyacinths - and I can't wait to get back there during the summer when the plants are in their full glory. The statue in the picture is of Carl Linneaus who I learned is the father of modern taxonomy (the Genus species naming system of biological stuff).

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Hey! I was in Logan the other day and thought about calling but I realized I didn't have your number. . . .oh well it looks like you guys were out of town anyway. Send me an email with your number and I will be in touch. Now that the weather is better we may come up your way more often! I would love to see Gavin. I can't believe it has already been 4 months since you guys stopped by. My email is