Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chicago - Day 8: Departure

Our wonderful visit came to a close on Friday. We stopped to visit Great Gram one more time, then went to lunch with Nana and Papa, then headed to the airport. I saw lots more new faces and enjoyed our long wait in the check-in line and our long wait at the gate. We finally boarded the plane (which was 35 minutes late) and left the gate, and drove around on the tarmac for about an hour before returning to the gate due to thunderstorms. We sat at the gate and awhile and then they kicked us all off the plane for about 45 minutes. We got back on the plane only to find out we couldn't leave yet because the storms were still hanging around. We finally got into the air a little after 10 pm - SIX HOURS later than our original departure time. I was incredibly good and didn't cry for more than 30 seconds total. I was awake for the entire 6-hour delay but slept for most of the flight. I was wide awake again to enjoy the action at the SLC airport (see picture of me waiting for the parking lot shuttle) but went to back sleep in the car. We got home to Hyrum at 2 am. I was as happy to see my crib as Mommy and Daddy were to see their bed!


Don and Michele said...

On the plus side, at least your mommy and daddy didn't wake up on Friday morning to the news that the airline you were to fly out on had gone out of business.

rakal said...

I bet you guys are so relieved the little man was having a good day! What a hassle!
Nice to hear you made it back just fine.