Monday, April 21, 2008

First Flight

On Friday I flew with Mommy and Daddy to Chicago. The airport was a treasure-trove of friendly faces and colorful stuff to look at. The plane ride was kinda long but I hardly fussed at all! Then again, what's there to fuss about when you have nonstop toys and cuddles and food? This picture shows me during my one 30-minute nap in the whole 3-hour flight.


langenheim said...

Oh oh...30 minute nap? Sounds like Juniper is giving you tips on how NOT to sleep. She is very good at NOT sleeping.

Brandon said...

This is true. But as opposed to crying when he is sleepy, he likes to scream. And it's one of those undescribable screams where it sounds like he's happy and mad at the same time. LOVE IT! However, luckily, he waited until we were at Nana and Papa's before he discovered his lungs. Buddha help us on our flight home...